January 8, 2021, at the City National Convention Center. Hanoi, Vietnam Evaluation Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) coordinated with Vietnamnet electronic newspaper to organize a ceremony to announce the Top 10 Pharmacy Reputation award in 2020.

In 2020, the epidemic situation became very complicated, affecting the global economy. According to the results of many surveys, the pharmaceutical industry is still expected to have sudden growth due to the demand for resistance-enhancing drugs, but in reality, the business results of many businesses have decreased both in terms of both revenue and profit due to supply chain disruption, reduced or changed user demand, increased raw material prices, etc.

The epidemic broke out right during the Lunar New Year, so most businesses were passive from raw material sources. However, as an enterprise with strengths in producing and trading medicinal herbs, OPC has been aware of the risks of depending on imported raw materials, so it has long planned medicinal farming areas in Bac Giang and Bac Giang. some northern mountainous provinces according to GACP standards, at the same time covering medicinal growing areas and proactively raw materials for the Company’s key products, so the impact of the Covid epidemic does not affect the company’s revenue and profits. OPC decline – proactively grasping consumer trends as well as having a specific plan to minimize risks and improve business efficiency for the 5th consecutive time, OPC Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company was named in the Top 10 Pharmacy Reputation award has affirmed their pioneering position in the field of Pharmaceuticals in general and Oriental Medicine in particular, giving OPC more motivation to develop, implement strategic goals, and achieve its vision. become a strong Pharmaceutical group in Vietnam.

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