Worldwide, it is estimated that about 30 million people have prostate enlargement. In particular, the disease appears mostly in men from 45 years old and the risk of disease increases with age.

What is the function of the prostate?

The prostate is only found in men. When you are young, the prostate does not take on any tasks for the body. By adolescence, the prostate gland develops thanks to the strong activation of testosterone. During puberty, the prostate gland begins to function. This gland has the function of secreting fluid to form semen, providing energy for sperm activity.

Therefore, prostate diseases will cause the fluid secreted in the gland to change, affecting the movement and vitality of sperm and can lead to infertility in men.

Currently, the cause of prostate enlargement is unknown. However, studies show that there is no relationship between diet, race and social class on the risk of prostate enlargement. Statistics show that risk factors increase with age.

From 40 to 50 years old, the risk of prostate enlargement is 20%.
From 51 to 60 years old, the risk of prostate enlargement is 50%.
From 70 to 80 years old, the risk of prostate enlargement is 70%-75%.

Pathological manifestations of prostate enlargement:

The prostate is a small gland, located close to the bladder neck, surrounding the urethra at the junction with the bladder neck. When the prostate gland proliferates and fibrous tissue develops, it will narrow the urethra, causing abnormal symptoms when urinating. If this condition persists, it will adversely affect the bladder, kidneys, sexual function and can be life-threatening.

Biểu hiện đặc trưng của bệnh lý tuyến tiền liệt: tiểu khó, tiểu nhiều lần, bí tiểu. Các biểu hiện khác: sau khi tiểu tiện không cảm thấy thoải mái mà vẫn còn cảm giác muốn đi tiểu, có thể tiểu ra máu, nhiễm trùng tiểu. Các biểu hiện này tiến triển từ từ, đa số bệnh nhân sẽ thích nghi dần và khó nhận ra. Biểu hiện của bệnh không tỉ lệ thuận với kích thước khối u. Theo thời gian: 55% bệnh nhân có triệu chứng rối loạn tiểu ngày càng nặng hơn; 30% bệnh nhân có triệu chứng không đổi và 15% bệnh nhân có sự cải thiện các triệu chứng rối loạn đi tiểu.


Treatment principles are based on the severity of symptoms, level of concern and the patient’s wishes and choose one of the following 3 methods.

1. Change your lifestyle:

Lifestyle changes are indicated for patients with mild symptoms. A variety of lifestyle changes may be recommended for patients with mild symptoms as follows:

+ Limit drinking water before going to bed.
+ Avoid drinks containing caffeine and spicy foods.
+ Avoid using certain medications (diuretics, decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants).
+ Practicing urination helps the bladder function well.
+ Pelvic floor strengthening exercises (Kegel exercises)
+ Avoid or treat constipation.

2. Medical treatment:

Medical treatment is indicated for patients with moderate discomfort to prevent spasms and edema in the bladder neck and prostate areas.

+ Alpha-adrenergic antagonists (Alfuzosin, Doxazosin, Tamsulosin and Terazosin) have the effect of relaxing bladder smooth muscle at the bladder neck, helping patients urinate more easily. However, the medicine can lower blood pressure.
+ Drugs that affect androgen metabolism (Dutasteride and Finasteride) help improve symptoms and natural progression of the disease by reducing the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical intervention. However, patients need to know the side effects of the drug such as: reduced sexual ability and gynecomastia.

3. Surgical treatment

Currently, there are many methods for surgical treatment of prostate enlargement (open surgery to remove the tumor, endoscopic ablation, tumor vaporization treatment with KTP Laser, opening the bladder to the skin, burning the prostate with high waves). frequency, botulinum toxin injection into the prostate). Each method may be suitable for certain patients. Besides, risks such as bleeding, infection, and recurrence also need to be noted. Therefore, surgical treatment of prostate enlargement needs to be carefully considered before choosing a treatment method, and when performing any treatment method, you should pay attention to prevent possible complications. .

Medical treatment with medication and long-term monitoring is the general trend in the treatment of prostate enlargement today. Only when medical treatment fails or there are cancer complications will the doctor question the patient. subject of surgical intervention. The use of medication can be effective, helping patients reduce unpleasant symptoms caused by prostate enlargement. However, side effects of the drug are a big problem for patients, and it is also the main reason why patients do not continue to comply with treatment. In this case, patients often turn to traditional medicine remedies derived from medicinal herbs with the aim of achieving effective treatment and limiting side effects to the lowest possible level. Among them, Crinum latifolium is a prominent medicinal herb commonly used in the treatment of prostate enlargement from feudal times to the present. Crinum latifolium is one of the medicinal herbs recognized by both modern and traditional medicine for its medicinal nature and applied in a number of outstanding remedies. In particular, this medicinal herb has been clinically proven to be effective in treating prostate fibroids, uterine fibroids and many other diseases.

Crinum latifolium was first scientifically described in 1753, originated from India and is now grown in many parts of the world.

According to modern medicine, the Vietnamese Crinum latifolium plant contains biologically active ingredients with the ability to prevent the growth of tumor cells and stimulate T lymphocytes to function and develop. From 1989 to present, Crinum latifolium has been used in the treatment of prostate fibroids, prostate cancer, and uterine fibroids in the form of a decoction.


OPCrilati Crinum latifolium tablets, a product of OPC Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, meet the essential needs of patients:

  • Helps effectively reduce the growth of benign fibroids such as uterine fibroids and prostate fibroids.
  • Limit side effects.
  • Film-coated tablets, convenient and easy to use.

The product is intended for use by Men over 40 years old who have or are at risk of fibroids and benign prostatic hypertrophy. For women with or at risk of uterine fibroids.

This food is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.